Sunday School Bible Study
Sunday School remains an integral part of spiritual formation and deepening discipleship in the church. The intimate setting allows not only for questions and discussions, but also for relationships to form based on trust, prayer, love, and support.
This guide offers a brief overview of each class. They each have their own “flavor.” We encourage you to try more than one class to find your fit.
Classes begin at 9:45 (Youth and Coffee and Conversation Classes, more like 10:00)
Empty Nesters
This Co-Ed Class made up of married and single adults, age 50 and up, is taught by Harvey Hall and meets on the 3rd Floor of the Educational Building in Room 300-A. They follow the Smyth & Helwys “Formations” curriculum. This class is a mixture of the lecture and discussion styles. Harvey is always well-prepared to teach, but class members are always welcomed and encouraged to share their thoughts and insights.
This class joins together in supporting H.O.P.E. Ministries, The Hospitality House, NC Baptist Children’s Home, B.R.O.C. as well as many church projects. These class members genuinely like each other, support one another, and respect each other. They like to say, “We laugh, we study, and we discuss and we are happy to agree to disagree when necessary. Avg. Attendance is 12
Faith Finders Class
Meeting in Room 207 on the Main Floor of the Education Building, the Faith Finders are led by Pat Osborne. Members say they always learn something from Pat’s lessons. She teaches a good portion of the time, but she is always open to questions and discussion. They choose different books and curricula to study. This class is a friendly and welcoming group of men and women in their 50’s and 60’s. They love to learn, to serve, and to have fun together. They are involved in many missions and ministries but especially strive to help alleviate hunger in our area. Avg. Attendance is 16.
Seminar II Class
This dynamic co-ed class (ages 65+) meets in the Large Conference Room just inside the entrance to the church office. They are led by Carl Elledge, Joel McDonald, and Linda Wehrmann and use the Smyth & Helwys “Formations” curriculum. This class features a wealth of life experiences and faith perspectives and they share and discuss scripture like a family—always seeking application to their daily lives. They also pray for each other faithfully. Avg. Attendance is 14.
The Coffee & Conversation Class
The C & C Class meets on the ground floor of the Education Building in Room 100 known as “The Gathering Place.” It is nicely appointed with sofas, chairs, a coffee table and (you guessed it) a Keurig coffee maker. This class is led by Matt Hagaman, Melissa Reynolds, and Rev. Patricia Turner who rotate as teachers.
The class is co-ed and members range in age from 30—70 (anyone young at heart). This group chooses topical books from well-known Christian educators and authors to discuss during class time.
The class serves meals at Circles of Care on a regular basis and participates in churchwide mission opportunities. We also spend time each week in prayer for one another as well as others in need. Avg. Attendance is 8.
YOUTH Bible Study Class
This class is made up of awesome teenagers aged 11-18 and is co-led by two excellent teaching teams – Austin and Sydney Owens AND Tiffany Young and Nellie Archibald. They meet in Room 307 (which is furnished with comfy couches and chairs). The teachers use the Smyth & Helwys “Intersection” curriculum that grounds the lesson in scripture, but then brings it to life with skits, discussions, activities, and real-life applications. This group always begins by catching up with one another and sharing important, funny, or even meaningless details from their lives in the previous week.
The YOUTH Bible Study Class is a close-knit group that values learning from the Bible and each other’s perspectives as they grow in Christ together. AND they are always welcoming and ready to embrace anyone new to the class! Avg. Attendance: 8
The Philathea Class
This class is comprised of devoted ladies who are 60+ years of age are led by three teachers—Cheryl Church, Connie Glass, and Diane Swaim. They convene in Room 205 on the Main Floor of the Educational Building closest to the elevator. True to their class name, these women do “love God.” They are guided in their study by the “Connections” curriculum published by Smyth & Helwys. Their class time is a mixture of lecture-style teaching and class discussion. Members create a warm and nurturing environment where everyone feels welcome and appreciated. The ladies stay in close contact with each other throughout the week—especially with those who are sick or have been away. Avg. Attendance is 8.
Rehoboth Sunday School Class
The Rehoboth Class is made up of Ladies in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. Three of those women—Linda Bentley, Barbara McKenzie, and Juanita Rhodes—serve as teachers. They meet in Room 206 on the Main Floor of the Education Building facing D-Street by the stairwell. They combine lecture and discussion in their lessons. They are mission-minded-and-hearted. The trust and affection they share with one another allow them to express themselves freely and transparently as they study God’s Word.
John T. Wayland Men's Class
This Senior Adult Men’s Class is led by Dwayne Prevette and has a very proud tradition and heritage. It is named for beloved Pastor John T. Wayland and was once made up of nearly 75 members. They meet in Room 200-B on the main floor of the Education Building right next to the Sanctuary. It is a discussion style class and is based upon the Smyth & Helwys “Connections” literature. Even though attendance is now in the single digits, the conversations and discussions in this class are still lively as is the desire to serve the Lord.
First Kids Sunday School
This vibrant, interactive, high-energy class for Boys and Girls ages 4-11 meets in the Children’s Building (classroom varies depending upon the day’s activities). Jamie and Brian Higginbotham teach this class with love, nurture, and dedication. Each Sunday is like a miniature Vacation Bible School with a new theme every month. They focus on four areas of spiritual practice: (1) Spend Time with God (2) Spend Time with Others (3) Use Your Gifts (4) Share Your Story. The fun and games are indistinguishable from the bible lessons. They have a great time learning about Jesus and how to follow Him! Avg. Attendance is 5-8 Kids
Children's Nursery
Children from ages 0-3 are given excellent care by our nursery staff made up of Rachel Brionez, an awesome paid worker who is present every Sunday, and one of a host of caring nursery volunteers. The nursery opens at 9:30 and children may stay through worship.
Children's Sunday & Mother's Day 2024
Youth & Graduate Sunday 2024
Below are our First Kids and Youth in action! These videos are our most recent Children's and Youth Special services. You are sure to get a blessing listening to these young ladies and gentlemen worship and praise the Lord.